Mengatasi Pembesaran Kelenjar Prostat (Prostat hipertrofi) Dengan Dockong.
Update "this product Dockong have been discontinue selling by berfa shop, 2013 December 13th"
Apa itu Perfect Life Dari Dockong?
Dockong bukannya ubat. Dockong ialah minuman isi buah yang dibuat daripada pelbagai jenis penggunaan teknologi dari Jepun supaya boleh melengkapi dari zaman dulu.
Bahan-bahan mentah yang digunakan ialah seperti Cassia Seed, Plantago Asiatica, Bidentata, Houttu Ynia, Dandelion, Poligonum, Medlar, Chuan Xiong, Bai Wei Dan Akar Akar Tanaman.
Prostat merupakan sebuah kelenjar pada pria yang terletak pada pangkal zakar, mengelilingi leher kandung kemih dan urethra (saluran kemih bagian luar). Prostat terdiri dari kelenjar sekretori yang menghasilkan cairan pada sel mani sewaktu dikeluarkan. Pada waktu seorang pria mencapai pubertas, maka kelenjar tersebut mulai membuat cairan itu. Sesuai dengan pertambahan usia yang semakin tua, seorang pria dapat mengalami pembesaran prostat dan meradang. Prostat hipertrofi merupakan kondisi pertumbuhan kelenjar prostat yang berlebihan. Pembengkakan kelenjar prostat yang cukup besar dapat menekan sampai ke kandung kemih dan uretra sehingga terjadi penyempitan uretra. Keadaan tersebut dapat menghambat (obstruksi) aliran urin dan selanjutnya dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada ginjal. Selain itu, pembesaran prostat juga dapat membentuk kantong dari kandung kemih sehingga sewaktu buang air seni masih ada yang tertinggal di dalam kandung kemih, urin yang tertinggal ini dapat membentuk batu atau kista.
Beberapa herbal/tumbuhan obat yang dapat digunakan untuk pengobatan ganggguan prostat diantaranya mempunyai khasiat/fungsi sebagai antibiotik atau antiradang, anti-infeksi, menghilangkan pembengkakan, peluruh kemih (diuretik), dan meredakan rasa sakit (analgetik).
Sebagai minuman kesehatan yang alami, apa yang dapat dikontribusikan Dockong bagi kesehatan manusia ? Berdasarkan penelitian dan pengguna, Dockong telah menunjukkan banyak manfaat bagi banyak orang yang telah mengkonsumsinya dalam suatu jangka waktu, beberapa diantaranya manfaat yang didapat :
1. Meningkatkan Fungsi Seksual Lelaki Dockong membantu mereka yang mengalami gangguan atau ketidakupayaan seksual.
2. Anti Peradangan Dockong dengan bahan-bahan yang aktifnya akan secara efektif mengurangkan masalah yang disebabkan oleh kesakitan otot, radang organ dalam, sakit perut dan sebagainya dengan bahan anti-mikrob dan anti-tumornya.
3. Anti-Alergi Dockong membantu orang-orang yang menderita berbagai jenis alergi makannan, eczema dan sebagainya. Setelah menggunakan Dockong selama 2 atau 3 bulan, alergi tersebut akan jadi kurang atau hilang.
4. Pembesaran Prostat
Semakin berusianya lelaki akan mengalami pembesaran prostat. Ini akan mengakibatkan lelaki mengalami kesulitan untuk membuang air kencing. Produk Dockong akan mengurangkan simptom ini.
5. Sinusitis Dan Hidung Sensitif
Membantu menghapuskan simptom sinusitis dan hidung yang terlalu sensitif.
6. Menambah Kecantikan Pada Kulit
Molekul dari minuman semulajadi Dockong akan membantu membina balik sel kulit supaya kulit pengguna menjadi lebih elastik dan halus setelah meminum produk ini selama beberapa saat.
7. Mendengkur
Salah satu sebab ramai orang menyukai Dockong adalah mereka dapat tidur dengan nyenyak pada waktu malam dam terasa lebih segar pada hari keesokannya.
- Menurut penjelasan ahli bidang "Life Science" Dockong kapsul diutamakan utk melindungi bagian bawah tubuh, termasuk saluran kencing dan ginjal dengan menguatkan fungsi ginjal.
- Dockong cairan, kerana molekulnya sangat kecil antara 3.500 s/d 4500, maka bisa langsung masuk ke sel manusia. Sangat efektiv untuk detox (mengeluarkan racun dan untuk meregerasi sel-sel yang sdh mati).
- Keduanya, cairan dan kapsul. Bila dikonsumsi bersamaan, fungsinya akan lebih baik, diantaranya untuk melancarkan peredaran darah, sembelit, prostat, melancarkan pernafasan, memperbaiki pencernaan dan menguatkan beberapa organ tubuh penting manusia. Untuk sakit pinggang atau punggung, persendian, alergi, insomnia, Demam Berdarah, bahkan untuk anak-anak yang menderita radang kronis dan sinusitis.
- Bahkan untuk pria yang mengalami masalah ejakulasi dini, kurang subur dan keluarga yang mendambakan keturunan.
Arahan Di Digunakan
- 1 gelas ( 30 ml dan 3 kapsul ) setiap pagi dan malam lebih baik di konsumsi saat perut kosong.
- Dengan mengkonsumsi kapsul dan sirup bersamaan akan mendapatkan hasil yang sangat luar biasa.
Nama Produk : Dockong
Kod Stok Produk : BS1013b_Healthy_Dockong Malay RM180.00_0169001488
Penerangan Produk : Dockong adalah minuman campuran ekstrak herbal yang terbuat dari berbagai jenis herbal menggunakan teknologi Jepun sesuai dengan resep kuno. Dockong telah teruji dan Health Science Authority (HAS). Penelitian lebih lanjut membuktikan bahwa Dockong Gold terbebas dari bakteri.
Harga Produk :
* 1 DocKong Minuman RM180.00
* 1 DocKong Kapsul RM170.00
* 1 DocKong Set : 2 DocKong Minuman + 1 DocKong Kapsul RM530.00
Caj Penghantaran :
* 1 DocKong Minuman - RM10.00 Malaysia Barat ; RM20.00 Malaysia Timur
* 1 DocKong Kapsul - RM10.00 Malaysia Barat ; RM20.00 Malaysia Timur
* 1 DocKong Set : 2 DocKong Minuman + 1 DocKong Kapsul RM10.00 Malaysia Barat, RM20.00 Malaysia Timur
Tempat Penghantaran Produk : Malaysia Barat Dan Timur
Penghantaran Masa Sampai :
1.) Untuk Kuala Lumpur & Selangor - Sama Hari sebelum pukul 4.00pm telefon dengan syarat membeli, bayaran boleh bagi pada penghantaran tempat anda.
2.) Untuk Barat Malaysia - Sama hari sebelum pukul 4.00pm kira hari ini. 2 - 3 hari kerja sampai tempat anda.
3.) Untuk Timur Malaysia - Sama hari sebelum pukul 4.00pm kira hari ini. 3 - 6 hari kerja sampai tempat anda.
Beli Produk : Berfa Shop 7 Hari Kerja. Masa lari 9.00am sampai 5.00pm. Telepone atau Online Order hanya dari 9.00am sampai 4.00pm
Start 2013 Jan, we are stop selling this product on Berfa Shop, please taken update note. Official Announce on blog 2014 March 2nd. The Top 10 Online Healthy Hot Selling Product On Malaysia - Dockong (独刚) To Perfect Your Healthy Life.
It is a blended herbal extracts drink made from various kinds of herb using Japanese technology conforms to an ancient recipe. It is a health drink which is 100% natural. It contains no chemical, additive nor preservative and is bacteria free.
Update "this product Dockong have been discontinue selling by berfa shop, 2013 December 13th"
DocKong is not medicine. It is a blended herbal extracts drink made from various kinds of herbs using Japanese technology conforms to ancient recipe. It has passed the test of Singapore government recognized laboratory SGS and Health Science Authority (HSA). Further Analysis reveals that DocKong is bacteria free.
Who Is Dockong? Dockong Trading is an international brand with Singapore as its home base which specializes in promoting natural health products and international marketing skills. Dockong's managerial team consists of experienced members who possess strong financial skills, advanced knowledge of life sciences and rich experiences in the area of sales management. "Dockong" is a combination of 100% natural herbs which has been discovered some 300 years ago. Today, the managerial team has improved the products with new modern Japanese technology to serve our consumers better. Dockong is widely consumed by Asians due to its high quality and effectiveness. The products are gaining increasing recognition after establishment since a few years ago.
Dockong Team
With the professional visionary team which covers financial, marketing, technological aspects extensively, Dockong Trading is definitely worth your support.
Dockong The Professional Team
1. Armstrong Jack is an expert in the field of life sciences. He has an in-depth knowledge of humans' biological and psychological behavior and specializes in cellular science.
2. Tony Capirol is an economic expert who has high confidence in analysing the market strategically after years spent on multinational level marketing. He is in charge of all the financial management of the company.
3. Francis Tan is a technological expert who specialises in software designing, always taking into consideration the personal monetary and social needs of the consumers.
4. Peter Ong specializes in herbal experimentation. He understands how most herbs help to improve the functions of the human body and attempts to combine herbs carefully to maximize the health benefits of consuming Dockong products.
Dockong Vision
To provide support for individuals who are genuinely interested in earning money via marketing and groom these individuals into healthy, happy and wealthy people.
Are you easily tired ? Are you lacking the "Man's Power" to satisfy your spouse ? Do not lose heart. Help is here. Let me introduce DocKong. The one Natural Herbal Tonic male drink that is useful for :-
1. Enhances the ability of men
2. Relieves muscle and joints inflammation
3. Improves on the condition of enlarged prostate gland
4. Reduces sinsitis and sensitive nose
5. Increases vitality
6. Insomnia
7. Gastric problem
That's not all. DocKong has many other benfits. Continue go for below more information and eSocial Related Links For Dockong
Nowadays we living in a stressful environment with enormous pressure, thus we cannot eat and sleep well. Men who follow an orderly lifestyle are specially at risk. Their sexual lives are affected, leading to an unhappy marriage life. DocKong can help male to life up his "sexuality".
The benefits of DocKong : 1. Increase in male sexuality function - DocKong for those who erect barriers, sexual intercourse time is short, weak. The reasons being, after taking DocKong, the hardness of a male's organ and his endurance power has improved tremendously, thus greater ability to perform.
2. Anti-Inflammation - A DocKong compound is known to have various biological activities that have Anti-inflammation, Anti-Microbial and Anti-Tumor effects. In shorts, taking DocKong can effectively alleviate the troubles caused by Muscle Pain, Internal Inflammation and Ulcer etc.
3. It helps reduce the symptoms of Sinusitis and Sensitive Nose. Adults and children can take.
4. It helps in problem of Prostate Gland Enlargement - As men aged, most will develop prostate gland enlargement. This will make a man having difficulty in Urination, increased frequency of urination at night or weak urine system. DocKong will help reduce the size of the prostate gland thus help solve the symptoms.
5. Gastric problem can be alleviated by taking DocKong drink and capsules.
6. "Strengthen" the Kidney functions - Many people have kidney related problems due to body pollution or do not drink enough of plain water. The active ingredients in DocKong will help the body to detoxify and then restore its energy, subsequently allows the kidney to function properly.
7. It alleviates the Joint Pain - DocKong will definitely lighten the pain of the joints. When taking it initially, one will somehow experience great discomfort, but if one persistent taking it, the pain will just go away after a few days.
8. Anti-Allergy - DocKong does help people who suffer from various allergies like food allergy and Eczema etc. After taking DocKong for 2 to 3 months, those problem will be reduced or subsided.
9. It enhances the beauty of the skin - The molecules of DocKong natural drink are able to penetrate it initially the cells quickly. Therefore it is able to nourish and beautify the skin effectively as well. One will realize how his or her skin becomes more elastic and smooth after taking the drink for a short period of time.
10. Sound Sleep - One of many reasons people like to drink DocKong is that they are able to sleep profoundly at night. And they feel fresh and energetic the next day, every day.
11. And many more benefits, you can find out our testimonial from local news paper, news board, video etc.
Important considerations when you consume DocKong, please pay attention to the following considerations :
1. Drink DocKong with empty stomach. consume 30ml each time, 2 times daily. morning & night.
2. Avoid drinking coffee/tea/alcohol after drinking DocKong.
3. Put DocKong-Drink into refrigerator after it's opened. Do not need to put DocKong capsule into refrigerator after it's opened.
4. To put in a cooling's good for two years.
5. To consume DocKong drink & capsule together for better effect.
6. To those who have weak heart condition and those who had surgery, kindly reduce the consumption amount (i.e. reduce to 15ml and 2 capsules)
7. Not suitable for pregnant ladies.
8. After consuming DocKong, do remember to push 2/3 of the bottle cap to the bottle, it's easier to open the cap subsequently.
Detoxification Effect Of Dockong
Users will initially experience some forms of detox effect. It is a good sign and do not be alarmed. Usually it will last only a few days to a week. During which one should not stop drinking Dockong.
More About On Dockong :
- Approved for sale by Singapore HSA.
- The products passed the stringent tests required by local authority.
Product Name : Dockong (独刚)
Product Stock Code : BS1013e_Healthy_Dockong Perfect Healthy Life 独刚 (BS1013e)
Product eTalk : The Dockong is the one Natural Herbal Tonic male drink that is useful for enhances the ability of men, relieves muscle and joints inflammation, improves on the condition of enlarged prostate gland, reduces sinsitis and sensitive nose, increases vitality, insomnia and gastric problem.
Product Delivery Charge :
* 1 Dockong Drink - RM10.00 For West Malaysia ; RM20 For East Malaysia
* 1 Dockong Capsule - RM10.00 For West Malaysia ; RM20.00 For East Malaysia
* 1 Dockong Set - 2 DocKong Drink (液体)+ 1 DocKong Capsule (胶囊)- RM10.00 For West Malaysia ; RM20.00 For East Malaysia
Product Delivery Area : West / East Malaysia
Product Process Duration :
1.) For Kuala Lumpur & Selangor : Same day before 4.00pm for phone ordering with terms and condition, your goods will be send out at the same day.
2.) For West Malaysia - Before 4.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 2 - 3 working days. If is after 4.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.
3.) For East Malaysia - Before 4.00pm for your ordering and payment pass verification. You will receive your goods within 3 - 6 working days. If is after 4.00pm we will count as tomorrow ordering.
Working Days & Time : Berfa Shop work for 7 working days from 9.00am to 5.00pm, except public holiday. Online or phone ordering only allow for 9.00 am to 4.00pm
More photo album regarding on this Dockong (独刚) explorer at :
BS1013e_Healthy_Dockong Drink 独刚 RM180.00_0169001488 On Berfa Mall Business Page On Facebook